
Wednesday 23 July 2014

Dragon Age: Inquisiton

In a somewhat desperate move to stay ahead of the curve I've decided to review a game that isn't out yet. Not only is it not out yet, but I haven't played it. So hold onto your hats for wild speculation and horrifically untrue facts about my most anticipated game this year:

This a real game. It's a pigeon dating simulator.

So, Dragon Age: Inquisition is the third installment in the Dragon Age games where once again you step into the shoes of extremely important person whose name we can't remember. This role was shaken up slightly in DAII when it was only your forename they couldn't remember. It's good to see them going back to their roots. This game also sees the return of a few other notable things they dropped from DAII including multiple playable races. Which is RPG speak for species. As well as the standard fantasy races of racist humans, downtrodden elves good at archery, and mining dwarves for the first time you can play as a race of beings unique to the dragon age world: the Qunari. They are a race (read: species) of beings who tower over humans with skin the colour of stone and giant horns protruding from their head. Or dreadlocks, whichever.

Here we see a horny qunari inquisitor.

Speaking of horny! The game will, of course, feature bioware's signature romances. Now, if this is anything like other bioware games I've played what this means is there will be multiple partners you can potentially seduce and sex up, and I'll compulsively seduce the same one on multiple playthroughs. Tali, Merril, I'm looking at you. And I always will be. There is a new development in the romance department, however. For the first time in a Dragon Age game there will be romances who are solely homosexual. A great leap forward for equality! There will also be romances who have racial preferences. A great leap...wait, what? Boy, I sure hope they meant species that time. If there are romances who you can only romance if your skin is the right colour it might get a little awkward.

Shameful use of yellow-face to try and seduce someone.

A whole host of new tactical abilities are also in play for the new game. Including being able to set fire to enemy ships to prevent retreat, or throwing jars of bees at enemies. In order to have a sufficient supply of bees to cast at your enemies you actually have to set up one of your keeps as an apiary. The collection of different flowers from around Thedas also gives the bees different abilities as well as slightly altering the taste of the honey they produce. Honey in the game serves no real purpose, but does taste nice on toast. 

Now, one point of contention I have about the game is the return of a certain character. Namely the heartless witch/love of my life from Dragon Age: Origins that is Morrigan. Now, while many people weren't happy with how things ended in witch hunt, I was. I'd had a child with Morrigan, she then vanished, I found her and we voyaged into the unknown together. Perfect. Except, never mind because she's back and I'm not there. So, I guess she killed me or something? I'm guessing this is another one of those times where they decided to allow a choice then decide for you later on regardless of that choice. As was the case with Leliana who you can totally end up murdering in origins. It won't stop her from appearing in DA:I though. Who knows, maybe these things will be explained. Actually, I know. I'll let you in on a secret if you keep it under your hat.

The game series takes place in Tommy Westphall's head.

There is a lot to like about this game, even if it doesn't allow you to romance and date pigeons. Yet. As a bioware fan, and someone who prefers DA to ME I'll be buying this game day 1. Hopefully my review has persuaded you to give the game a try, or at least buy Hatoful Boyfriend on steam next month. I may consider writing a revised review having played the game, but then I'd be able to give an informed opinion and that's not what the internet is about.

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